�Self supporting food production based on organic farming1),2)

When chemical fertilizers are used the nutritional value of a plant is inferior to that of a naturally grown one. Chemical farming aims to produce a large amount of the same kind in one place, i.e. mono-culture, and usually the harvest has to be transported a long distance - using a lot of energy. Organic farming trends are to grow a variety of plants in small amounts taking the locality into account. In this way plants complement and support each other, thus providing the right food for each season. Keeping animals helps to control pests and diseases, and at the same time natural fertilizer is supplied.
Rice and wheat give a good nutritious balance for healthy living and less than 1,000‡u is necessary to produce rice and wheat for a family of four people.
Pictures of nut and fruit trees and the rice paddy are shown below.

As mentioned earlier, agriculture utilizes solar energy very efficiently. It should be the aim of everyone to grow enough food for their own consumption.

1) M.Fukuoka;"The One - Straw Revolution", Rodale Press, Emmaus, Pa, 1978.
2) B.Mollison and R.M.Slay;"Introduction to Permaculture", Tagari Publications, 1991.


